Dear prospective industrial/owner-occupier or investor,
We look forward to hearing from you by e-mail or phone. No matter what your project may be, we are always there for you, either at our head office in Frankfurt am Main or in one of our other branches.
Frankfurt am Main
Ziegelhüttenweg 43
60598 Frankfurt
T +49| (0) 69 | 96 36 49-0
F +49| (0) 69 | 96 36 49-44
We will be moving offices in Winter 2012 and will notify you of our new address in good time.
Peter-Neuenheuser-Straße 2
51379 Leverkusen
T +49| (0) 21 71|4 80 06
F +49| (0) 21 71|4 82 17
Walther-Rathenau-Straße 60
39104 Magdeburg
T +49| (0) 3 91| 53 64 35
F +49| (0) 3 91| 53 64 37-0
Tel Aviv
Kaufmann Street 2
Tel Aviv 68012
T +9 72 | 35 16 76 15
F +9 72 | 35 16 76 18